Business Traveller
Business Traveller

Category: Travel

Language : English

Region : Uk


Business Traveller ( is the leading magazine for the frequent business traveller, with 14 editions worldwide including the UK, India, Russia, US, Asia-Pacific, Middle East, China, Germany, Denmark, Hungary, Africa and Poland. Launched in the UK in 1976, it has become the leading magazine around the world for the frequent business traveller. It is a consumer publication, aimed at entertaining corporate travellers, saving them money and making their travelling life easier. Each edition is packed with editorial on the latest news from airlines, airports, hotels and car rental. We review travel products, including the latest gadgets, technology and accessories designed to make the traveller's life easier and more efficient. We look at destinations - where to stay, what to eat, what to see, and how to behave, all delivered by our own writers and journalists around the world.

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