Amoeba Sisters
Amoeba Sisters

Category: Science

Language : English

Region : Usa


We are two sisters on a mission to demystify science with humor and relevance by creating videos, GIFs, comics, and resources (such as our handouts and Unlectured Series). We love to empower teacher and student creators. Need to contact us? Please scroll down to the "contact us" page link at the bottom. Our videos are designed to introduce basic concepts and to inspire students to stay curious about the content. We frequently remind viewers that we cannot include all of the exceptions and minute details in a video under 10 minutes. Additionally, our videos are unique in that they use comics and cartoons. They can be memorable visuals to the content, but they're not scientific illustrations. Meaning, nitrogen and carbon don't tap dance. Our illustrated cell and molecule cartoons are definitely not to scale. DNA is usually a right-handed double helix (well...there are exceptions- worth a google) and it doesn't have eyes...a face...or a top hat...

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