Michel van Biezen
Michel van Biezen

Category: Education

Language : English


This channel contains a complete list of physics videos, as well as hundreds of chemistry, astronomy, math, and mechanical engineering videos. The physics videos explain the fundamental concepts of physics with some easy to follow examples on how to solve physics problems. The chemistry videos cover all the basic topics of chemistry, the astronomy videos explain the wonders of Earth and our Universe, and the math videos cover many topics in algebra, trigonometry, pre-calculus, calculus and differential equations. The playlists are organized numerically: PHYSICS 1 VECTORS; PHYSICS 2 ONE DIMENSIONAL MOTION; PHYSICS 3 TWO DIMENSIONAL MOTION; ETC. CHEMISTRY 1; CHEMISTRY 2; CHEMISTRY 3; ETC. ASTROMOMY 1; ASTRONOMY 2; ASTRONOMY 3; ETC.

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