The Best Film Archives
The Best Film Archives

Category: Archive

Language : English

Region : Usa


Welcome to The Best Film Archives! My name is Janos, and I'm a historian. My mission is to collect, restore and preserve historically significant public domain motion pictures from the 1900s. On my channel you'll find digitally IMPROVED old documentary, training and educational films, biographies, and newsreels. Take a trip back in time and learn history by watching movies. Based on the limitations of the original source material, the applied digital improvement process includes uneven edges removal, brightness/contrast optimization, video noise minimization, aspect ratio correction, volume normalization, audio noise reduction and equalization. Even though my improved videos are not perfect, they are much more enjoyable than the original ones. Because the videos I upload were produced decades ago, they have historical values and can be considered as valuable historical documents. They are shown strictly for educational purposes. Check the video description for historical background.

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